TWB refugee response glossary for Greece
This glossary includes terminology in Greek for better communication and humanitarian response when it comes to helping Greek refugees. View and use the glossary […]
Localized communication minimizes the impact of Ebola in DRC
The response to the 11th Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) proved the merits of local, multilingual communication with communities. TWB’s […]
The Language Factor: Lessons for the 11th Ebola outbreak on adapting to the language needs of communities learned during the 10th Ebola epidemic in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Previous Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreaks offer lessons for public health experts responding to the 11th outbreak. This review highlights that responders need to […]
The challenges of translation into Congolese Swahili
20+ language tips for effective humanitarian data collection
The language of leadership: The words that define how majhis are seen and understood in the Rohingya refugee response
Language for learning: How language use affects Rohingya children’s educational experience in Cox’s Bazar
This report examines how language use affects Rohingya refugee children’s educational experience in the camps around Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh. We identified four key […]