Communicating about gender and violence in Ukraine

Communicating about gender and violence in Ukraine In situations of conflict, the risk of gender-based violence (GBV) can increase and survivors need to know […]
Improving access and trust in humanitarian complaints and feedback systems in northeast Nigeria: research brief
Technology could be part of the solution to current language, trust and confidentiality barriers in northeast Nigeria and Beyond. Read CLEAR Global’s research brief […]
Finding the right words: PSEAH terminology testing in Dohuk and Kirkuk, Iraq

In partnership with the International Organization for Migration, we developed a glossary of terms on preventing sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment in three Kurdish […]
Localized communication minimizes the impact of Ebola in DRC

The response to the 11th Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) proved the merits of local, multilingual communication with communities. TWB’s […]
“How can we contribute if we can’t participate?” The accessibility of humanitarian guidance to local and national organisations

PSEA recommendations: Language issues for safeguarding

TWB’s research shows that a language sensitive response to Ebola outbreaks could improve understanding and trust in key messages. It will enhance the accessibility […]
Πληροφόρηση δίχως κατανόηση, δικαιώματα δίχως νόημα

Έκθεση των συμπερασμάτων ως προς το θέμα της γλώσσας στην Παγκόσμια Συμφωνία για τη Μετανάστευση και τους Πρόσφυγες (Global Compact on Refugees and Migration) […]
Informations sans compréhension, droits sans signification

Document de synthèse traitant des problèmes de langue dans l’application du programme des Nations Unies dans les pactes mondiaux sur les réfugiés et les […]
Informazioni senza comprensione, diritti senza significato

Documento di sintesi che affronta la questione della lingua nei Global Compact promossi dalle Nazioni Unite per i rifugiati e i migranti. Scaricalo qui. […]
Información que no se entiende, derechos que no significan nada

Documento de posición que aborda la cuestión del idioma en el Pacto Mundial de las Naciones Unidas sobre refugiados e inmigración. Descargar aquí. (También […]