Learning review of language inclusion in the Rohingya response
When the Rohingya refugee response began in 2017, many agencies identified the language dynamics as a significant challenge. Translators without Borders’ (TWB) first review […]
Improving access and trust in humanitarian complaints and feedback systems in northeast Nigeria: research brief
Technology could be part of the solution to current language, trust and confidentiality barriers in northeast Nigeria and Beyond. Read CLEAR Global’s research brief […]
MSNA language data can help humanitarians communicate better with affected people
The 2021 multi-sector needs assessments (MSNAs) should collect data on the languages of affected people
The 2021 multi-sector needs assessments (MSNAs) are a critical opportunity to strengthen the evidence base for effective and accountable humanitarian response plans. Humanitarian donors […]
Οδηγός Πεδίου για την Ανθρωπιστική Διερμηνεία και την Πολιτισμική Διαμεσολάβηση
Ο οδηγός αυτός καταρτίστηκε από τους Translators without Borders (TWB) για υποστήριξη των υπευθύνων πεδίου, των διερμηνέων και των πολιτιστικών διαμεσολαβητών στις καθημερινές επαφές […]
Guía de campo para la interpretación humanitaria y la mediación cultural
Translators without Borders (TWB, Traductores sin Fronteras) ha elaborado esta guía para brindar apoyo a los directores de campo humanitarios, intérpretes y mediadores culturales […]
Field guide to humanitarian interpreting and cultural mediation
This guide has been developed by Translators without Borders (TWB) to support humanitarian field managers, interpreters and cultural mediators in their daily interactions and […]