Informazioni senza comprensione, diritti senza significato

Documento di sintesi che affronta la questione della lingua nei Global Compact promossi dalle Nazioni Unite per i rifugiati e i migranti. Scaricalo qui. […]
Información que no se entiende, derechos que no significan nada

Documento de posición que aborda la cuestión del idioma en el Pacto Mundial de las Naciones Unidas sobre refugiados e inmigración. Descargar aquí. (También […]
TWB general factsheet

This factsheet gives an introduction to Translators without Borders and the work that we do to bridge the knowledge gap through language. Other resources […]
Information without understanding, rights without meaning

This position paper addresses the question of language in the UN Global Compacts on Refugees and Migration. View it below or download here. Other […]
Kurdish factsheet

View and download our Kurdish factsheet to understand the differences between the Kurdish dialects. Other resources that might interest you: Arabic factsheet Farsi and […]
Farsi and Dari factsheet

View and download our Farsi and Dari factsheet to understand the main differences between Dari and Farsi, and get useful information on Tajik and […]
Arabic factsheet

View and download our Arabic factsheet to understand the complexity of the Arabic language and its multiple dialects. Other resources that might interest you: […]
TIP SHEET: Interpretation and sensitive topics – EN

View our Tip Sheet: Interpretation and sensitive topics (English) in a new tab here.
Rapid Guide to Localizing and Translating Survey Tools [PT]

Rapid Guide to Localizing and Translating Survey Tools [FR]