Language data for Malawi

and resources: Malawi language map: static (EN) Static map highlighting the most common languages spoken in Malawi. Data is from the 1998 census. Malawi language map: interactive (EN) Static map…

Languages of Peru: Interactive (EN)

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Language Map of USA West Coast Wildfires: Interactive (EN)

Languages of Mali: Interactive (EN)

[siteorigin_widget class=”WP_Widget_Custom_HTML”][/siteorigin_widget]…

Indigenous Languages of Nicaragua: Interactive (EN)

Languages of Ethiopia: Interactive (EN)

Language map of Nepal: Interactive (EN)

Language map of Cambodia: Interactive (EN)

Language map of India: Interactive (EN)

Language diversity in the COVID-19 pandemic

…expanding in linguistically diverse countries. Organizations supporting the response need to develop communication strategies that cater to the needs of marginalized language speakers in these locations. The data shown here…