Language Questions in Humanitarian Data Collection

Questions for key informants Download 1 question (English) Download 4 questions (English) List of languages by country Download the list of languages for all countries Tools and resources Why we…

Language-related questions for new and ongoing surveys

…If you have any questions or comments, let us know at Recommended questions Use these questions if you can include only a single language question in your survey Use…

Language as a key for effective Ukraine crisis response

…organizations – something that doesn’t come with a price tag. We support others to ensure that their content can be effectively communicated. Our Ukraine response: Research to better understand people…

Ukraine response toolkit

People traveling through Krakow station

…Language Use Data Platform An interactive data platform that combines multiple sources to give responders a complete and up-to-date view of the languages and communication channels used by people affected…

Beyond customer support: Saving lives with chatbots

questions. This makes the user experience fast, interactive, and fun. 95% of us think customer service has improved thanks to chatbots, so it’s not surprising that 80% of companies worldwide…

Hello, Porcupine! Using AI to support farmers to adapt to climate change

Farmers testing TILES oustide a shop that sells seeds and an electronics shop, Bihar, India

…as to facilitate actions leveraging local community champions with the objective of improving resilience against climate change. TILES should work in Hindi, particularly the Hindi spoken in Bihar, understanding questions

CLEAR Global partners with Oxfam for Ukraine crisis response

…the support of over 419 active community members, Conduct cross-border research for improved two-way communication between refugees and host countries, Ukraine, Poland, Moldova, Romania, and Germany, Start building a Ukraine…

Supporting digital inclusion for Kinyarwanda speakers​

A group of Kinyarwanda-speaking TWB Community members in Kigali, Rwanda at the Digital Transformation Center Rwanda

Supporting digital inclusion for Kinyarwanda speakers Local partnerships boost language technology for communities in Rwanda Digital services can offer vital information, communication, and community – as long as they’re designed…

Starting 4 Billion Conversations with inclusive language technology

Reach A Hand Uganda workshop - contributors sat in a circle reviewing our Language AI Playbook.

…is realistic and what results you can expect. – Communication and collaboration: deals with understanding local community issues, collaborating with partners or local communities to solve problems, and sharing the…

What you need to know about language inclusion

Rohingya woman wearing purple has a check up with a doctor

…people. We also conducted research and a user-centered design process to build a chatbot for community leaders to ask questions and answer community concerns quickly. These diverse language services are…