How to download TWB’s WASH glossary to your Android or iOS device [English]

Discussing WASH in the Rohingya language: Building a better dialogue around water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) issues [Bangla]

Download or view in a new tab our Rohingya WASH language guide here.
Discussing WASH in the Rohingya language: Building a better dialogue around water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) issues [English]

Download or view in a new tab our Rohingya WASH language guide here.
Discussing gender in the Rohingya language: Building a better dialogue around gender issues

Download or view in a new tab our Rohingya gender language guide here.
Discussing disability in the Rohingya language

Download or view in a new tab our Rohingya disability language guide here.
Discussing nutrition in the Rohingya language

Download or view in a new tab our Rohingya nutrition language guide here.
Discussing education in the Rohingya language

Download or view in a new tab our Rohingya education language guide here.
A healthy discussion: Rohingya language guidance for healthcare workers

Cyclone Kenneth in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique – Crisis language map

Cyclone Kenneth hit the northern part of the country on 25 April 2019, the strongest storm in Mozambique’s recorded history and the second in […]
Translating information to prevent sexual exploitation and abuse

Sexual exploitation and abuse continue to occur in humanitarian contexts worldwide. We believe that language can help prevent it. Preventing abuse starts by making […]