Servizi di TWB per l’intervento europeo ai rifugiati
Dal settembre del 2015, Translators without Borders ha attivato il programma di intervento “Words of Relief” per supportare agenzie umanitarie locali e internazionali che […]
Πληροφόρηση δίχως κατανόηση, δικαιώματα δίχως νόημα
Έκθεση των συμπερασμάτων ως προς το θέμα της γλώσσας στην Παγκόσμια Συμφωνία για τη Μετανάστευση και τους Πρόσφυγες (Global Compact on Refugees and Migration) […]
Informations sans compréhension, droits sans signification
Document de synthèse traitant des problèmes de langue dans l’application du programme des Nations Unies dans les pactes mondiaux sur les réfugiés et les […]
Informazioni senza comprensione, diritti senza significato
Documento di sintesi che affronta la questione della lingua nei Global Compact promossi dalle Nazioni Unite per i rifugiati e i migranti. Scaricalo qui. […]
Información que no se entiende, derechos que no significan nada
Documento de posición que aborda la cuestión del idioma en el Pacto Mundial de las Naciones Unidas sobre refugiados e inmigración. Descargar aquí. (También […]
Translators without Borders European refugee response
Translators without Borders launched its European refugee response in October 2015, working through partners to provide those arriving in Greece, and transiting to other […]
The Translators without Borders Words of Relief program in Greece
This video is about TWB’s European refugee response and shows the vital work done in collaboration with humanitarian partners, to help refugees and migrants in need […]
Information without understanding, rights without meaning
This position paper addresses the question of language in the UN Global Compacts on Refugees and Migration. View it below or download here. Other […]
Putting language on the map in the European refugee response
A research report by Translators without Borders on the reasons for the lack of language support for refugees and migrants in Greece, and practical […]
How language barriers affect children on the move: video
Azad is not a real boy, but he tells a story representative of thousands of refugee youth in Greece. Although refugee and migrant children […]