Services offerts par TWB aux intervenants dans la crise des réfugiés en Europe

Depuis septembre 2015, Translators without Borders a lancé son programme d’intervention intitulé Words of Relief afin de soutenir les organismes humanitaires régionaux et internationaux […]
Servizi di TWB per l’intervento europeo ai rifugiati

Dal settembre del 2015, Translators without Borders ha attivato il programma di intervento “Words of Relief” per supportare agenzie umanitarie locali e internazionali che […]
Words of Relief impact study of rural and urban Kenyans

Does translated health information lead to higher comprehension? We conducted a research study to examine the level of comprehension of health information when presented […]
Words of Relief – Ebola crisis learning review

This learning review examines TWB’ initiative aimed at improving communication with communities during the Ebola outbreak in West Africa from November 2014 to February […]
Words of Relief – Local language translation for emergencies

This study is one in a series of fifteen case studies on successful innovation, undertaken by ALNAP in partnership with ELRHA’s Humanitarian Innovation Fund […]
Πληροφόρηση δίχως κατανόηση, δικαιώματα δίχως νόημα

Έκθεση των συμπερασμάτων ως προς το θέμα της γλώσσας στην Παγκόσμια Συμφωνία για τη Μετανάστευση και τους Πρόσφυγες (Global Compact on Refugees and Migration) […]
Informations sans compréhension, droits sans signification

Document de synthèse traitant des problèmes de langue dans l’application du programme des Nations Unies dans les pactes mondiaux sur les réfugiés et les […]
Informazioni senza comprensione, diritti senza significato

Documento di sintesi che affronta la questione della lingua nei Global Compact promossi dalle Nazioni Unite per i rifugiati e i migranti. Scaricalo qui. […]
Información que no se entiende, derechos que no significan nada

Documento de posición que aborda la cuestión del idioma en el Pacto Mundial de las Naciones Unidas sobre refugiados e inmigración. Descargar aquí. (También […]
The power of communication in the right language

TWB works with communities, translators, and technology companies around the world to make information in the right languages widely and openly available. Information and communication […]