Program staff need more accessible information on COVID-19

COVID-19 or Korona Bairos? – Communicating on the “disease that affects your breathing” in Northeast Nigeria

Do you speak COVID-19? – The importance of language for effective communication across the response

Also available in French and Spanish.
Portée et efficacité de la communication sur la Coronavirus (en FR, LN, SW, NNB)

TWB et Mercy Corps ont menée cette étude qui porte sur la COVID-19 / le Coronavirus et sur les informations que le public reçoit […]
Language diversity in the COVID-19 pandemic

People have a right to access the information they need during the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet often that information is not available in languages and […]
Interactive map: Global literacy levels

Explore our constantly updated interactive language map to learn about global literacy levels per gender per country.
Οδηγός Πεδίου για την Ανθρωπιστική Διερμηνεία και την Πολιτισμική Διαμεσολάβηση

Ο οδηγός αυτός καταρτίστηκε από τους Translators without Borders (TWB) για υποστήριξη των υπευθύνων πεδίου, των διερμηνέων και των πολιτιστικών διαμεσολαβητών στις καθημερινές επαφές […]
Guía de campo para la interpretación humanitaria y la mediación cultural

Translators without Borders (TWB, Traductores sin Fronteras) ha elaborado esta guía para brindar apoyo a los directores de campo humanitarios, intérpretes y mediadores culturales […]
Field guide to humanitarian interpreting and cultural mediation

This guide has been developed by Translators without Borders (TWB) to support humanitarian field managers, interpreters and cultural mediators in their daily interactions and […]
Accelerating Journey to Scale – Gathering evidence and creating training resources

The TWB’s Words of Relief team has been gathering evidence of effective communication in a crisis and developing innovative training resources to better support […]