Communications dashboard: Internally displaced people in Northeast Nigeria

This dashboard is an interactive tool to help humanitarian organizations better plan their communication strategies and language support. Developed by Translators without Borders, in […]
Palavras são necessárias: A utilização de línguas locais melhora a compreensão por parte das pessoas afectadas pelo ciclone Idai na Beira, Moçambique

Leia e faça o download do resumo dos resultados e das recomendações aqui. Também é possível fazer o download deste resumo e do relatório […]
TIP SHEET: Interpretation and sensitive topics – FR

View our Tip Sheet: Interpretation and sensitive topics (French) in a new tab here.
TIP SHEET: Interpretation and sensitive topics – AR

View our Tip Sheet: Interpretation and sensitive topics (Arabic) in a new tab here.
TIP SHEET: Interpretation and sensitive topics – SP

View our Tip Sheet: Interpretation and sensitive topics (Spanish) in a new tab here.
How to consider language when researching sexual exploitation, abuse, and sexual harassment (SEAH)