Rohingya experiences of healthcare in the camps
Imams share information in the Rohingya refugee camps
Rohinyga refugees’ experiences during the pandemic
Language characteristics and perspectives of long-term Rohingya refugees
Getting information to Rohinyga women in the camps of Cox’s Bazar
Supporting humanitarian communication: What role does a dedicated ‘common service’ play in community engagement and accountability?
More than six months stranded – what now?
Transitioning to a government-run migrant and refugee response in Greece
Γλωσσικά εμπόδια και δυσκολίες κατανόησης στη μεταναστευτική κρίση της Ελλάδα – Συνοπτική παρουσίαση
Η συνοπτική παρουσίαση μίας μελέτης που εκπόνησαν τον Απρίλιο του 2017 οι TWB και Save the Children για τα γλωσσικά εμπόδια και τις δυσκολίες […]
Barriere di lingua e di comprensione nella crisi migratoria – riassunto esecutivo
Sintesi di uno studio condotto nell’aprile del 2017 da Save the Children sulle barriere linguistiche e comunicative che esistono nel contesto dell’attuale crisi dei […]