Palavras são necessárias: A utilização de línguas locais melhora a compreensão por parte das pessoas afectadas pelo ciclone Idai na Beira, Moçambique

Leia e faça o download do resumo dos resultados e das recomendações aqui. Também é possível fazer o download deste resumo e do relatório […]
TWB glossary for Myanmar

This glossary includes terminology for Rohingya, Rakhine, Myanmar, and English. View and use the glossary here.
TWB glossary for the Democratic Republic of Congo

Clear information in the right language and consistent use of terminology helps minimize confusion and improves communication. This glossary will help anyone working on […]
TIP SHEET: Interpretation and sensitive topics – FR

View our Tip Sheet: Interpretation and sensitive topics (French) in a new tab here.
TIP SHEET: Interpretation and sensitive topics – AR

View our Tip Sheet: Interpretation and sensitive topics (Arabic) in a new tab here.
TIP SHEET: Interpretation and sensitive topics – SP

View our Tip Sheet: Interpretation and sensitive topics (Spanish) in a new tab here.