Guía de campo para la interpretación humanitaria y la mediación cultural

Translators without Borders (TWB, Traductores sin Fronteras) ha elaborado esta guía para brindar apoyo a los directores de campo humanitarios, intérpretes y mediadores culturales […]
Field guide to humanitarian interpreting and cultural mediation

This guide has been developed by Translators without Borders (TWB) to support humanitarian field managers, interpreters and cultural mediators in their daily interactions and […]
Language and comprehension barriers in Greece’s migration crisis – executive summary

The executive summary of a study conducted in April 2017 by TWB and Save the Children on the language and communication barriers that exist […]
Ο Αζάντ και η Θάλασσα των Λέξεων (Νταρί με Ελληνικούς υπότιτλους)

Ο Αζάντ δεν είναι πραγματικό αγόρι, αλλά λέει μια ιστορία που αντιπροσωπεύει χιλιάδες προσφυγόπουλα στην Ελλάδα. Παρόλο που τα παιδιά των προσφύγων και των […]
How language barriers affect children on the move: video (Dari with English subtitles)

Azad is not a real boy, but he tells a story representative of thousands of refugee youth in Greece. Although refugee and migrant children […]
Accelerating Journey to Scale – Gathering evidence and creating training resources

The TWB’s Words of Relief team has been gathering evidence of effective communication in a crisis and developing innovative training resources to better support […]
Translators without Borders begins the Journey to Scale

TWB’s first vlog created with the support of the Humanitarian Innovation Fund (HIF). The TWB Words of Relief team documents their exciting journey to […]
The power of speech

“The power of speech” storymap is a Translators without Borders project highlighting language barriers for internally displaced people (IDPs) in Northeast Nigeria. Click here […]
Rohingya refugee crisis response – an update

The Translators without Border team is implementing a program in Cox’s Bazar Bangladesh that will develop language capacity and resources in the language and […]
Barriere di lingua e di comprensione nella crisi migratoria in Grecia – infografica

Infografica con i principali risultati dello studio condotto in aprile da TWB e Save the Children sulle barriere linguistiche e comunicative che esistono nel […]