The Democratic Republic of Congo is one of the most linguistically diverse countries in the world, with over 200 languages spoken in the country. While French is the official language and widely used in education and government, there are four national languages: Kikongo (Kituba), Lingala, Swahili, and Tshiluba. Francophone African Sign Language and American Sign Language are both used. The maps and datasets below provide information about what languages are spoken throughout the country.

Other sources of language data

Language data allows humanitarian organizations to better understand the languages people speak and understand, leading to better programming and accountability.

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Maps and resources:

Interactive map of languages spoken by territory in DRC.

While French is the official language and widely used in education and government, there are four national languages: Kituba (Kikongo), Lingala, Swahili, and Tshiluba. This map shows the distribution of speakers of each language in each of the country’s territories.

Même si la langue officielle du pays est le français, utilisé par le gouvernement et dans les écoles, la RDC compte quatre langues nationales : le kituba (kikongo), le lingala, le swahili et le tshliuba. Les cartes ci-dessus montrent la distribution des personnes parlant chacune de ces quatre langues dans les territoires du pays.

Languages spoken in territories in Tanganyika province, DRC

Languages spoken in territories in Tanganyika province, DRC

Languages spoken in Basankusu, Bikoro, Bolomba, Bomongo, Ingende, Lukolela, Makanza territories in Équateur province, DRC

Langues parlées dans les territoires de Basankusu, Bikoro, Bolomba, Bomongo, Ingende, Lukolela, Makanza de la Province de l’Équateur, RDC

Languages spoken in Équateur and neighboring provinces, DRC, and percentages of people speaking each language by territory.

Languages spoken in Lubero, Masisi, Nyiragongo, Oïcha, Rutshuru, and Walikale territories in North Kivu province, DRC

Langues parlées dans les territoires de Lubero, Masisi, Nyiragongo, Oïcha, Rutshuru et Walikale dans la province du Nord-Kivu, RDC

Languages spoken in Aru, Djugu, Irumu, Mahagi, and Mambasa Territories in Ituri Province, DRC

Langues parlées dans les territoires d’Aru, Djugu, Irumu, Mahagi, et Mambasa dans la province de l’Ituri, RDC

language map DRC

Languages spoken in Beni Territory in North Kivu, DRC following the Ebola Outbreak- 2 August 2018.

language map DRC

Languages spoken in Équateur province, DRC following the Ebola Outbreak – 8 May 2018.