Ecuador language map: interactive (EN)​

Ecuador language map: interactive (EN)…

Cameroon language map: interactive (EN)

Cameroon language map: interactive (EN)…

Guatemala Mayan language map: interactive (EN)​

Guatemala Mayan language map: interactive (EN)…

Language data for Zambia

…the number of speakers and geographic spread of different languages in Zambia. Data is from the 2010 census. Languages of Zambia: Interactive (EN) Interactive map showing the number of speakers…

The DRC language map: interactive (EN)

The DRC language map: interactive (EN)…

Language data for Ethiopia

…spoken in Ethiopia by zone. Data is from the 2007 census. Ethiopia language map: interactive (EN) Interactive map showing the primary languages spoken by zone in Ethiopia. Data is from…

Ethiopia language map: interactive (EN)​

Ethiopia language map: interactive (EN)…

Language Data for India

and resources: India language map: static (EN) Static map of the most common primary languages spoken throughout India. Data is from the 2011 census. India language map: interactive (EN) Interactive

India language map: interactive (EN)

India language map: interactive (EN)…

Language data for the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

and resources: Language map of DRC: Interactive (EN) Interactive map of languages spoken by territory in DRC. The four national languages of the Democratic Republic of Congo (EN) While French…