Northeast Nigeria interactive language map​

Northeast Nigeria interactive language map…

The Philippines language map: interactive

The Philippines language map: interactive

Northeast Nigeria Kanuri language map: interactive

Northeast Nigeria Kanuri language map: interactive

Bolivia language map: interactive (EN)

Bolivia language map: interactive (EN)…

Language data for Sierra Leone

…map: interactive (EN) Interactive map showing the languages spoken as first or second languages throughout Sierra Leone. Data is from the 2004 census. Sierra Leone language map: static (EN) Static…

Malawi language map: interactive (EN)

Malawi language map: interactive (EN)…

Guinea language map: interactive (EN)

Guinea language map: interactive (EN)…

Language data for Guinea

…Languages Map: Static (FR) Static map highlighting the most common languages spoken in Guinea. Data is from the 2014 census. Languages of Guinea: Interactive (EN) Interactive map showing the number…

Language data for Somalia

…dialects spoken in Somalia. Data is from 2021. Somalia language map: interactive (EN) Interactive map of the most common 11 languages and dialects spoken in Somalia. Data is from 2021….

Language data for Guinea

…map: static (FR) Static map highlighting the most common languages spoken in Guinea. Data is from the 2014 census. Guinea language map: interactive (EN) Interactive map showing the number of…